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Support & Therapies


A migraine is not just a headache. Migraine is a brain disorder characterised by severe headache attacks, often accompanied by other symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, hypersensitivity to light and sound, and in some cases visual disturbances. Having migraine attacks can significantly impact your life: in the areas of work, love and friendship relationships, free time and hobbies.

I know from experience how difficult it can be to have to live with (the unpredictability) of migraine attacks. I was always looking for what I was doing wrong and was afraid to talk about it at work, fearing that it would be seen as a weakness.

Available forms of therapy

Psychological therapy can complement the treatment provided by a doctor or neurologist. In this context, we focus on the emotional impact of the attacks on your life and how you can make your life as valuable as possible despite the pain. Elements of the following therapy forms may play a role:

More information

National Institute of Neurological Disorders

What is migraine?

European Migraine & Headache Alliance

What EMHA can do for patients

Get in touch

Contact us to schedule an appointment or to ask your question.
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